Life in a Day

What does your life look like in a day? On July 24, 2010, millions of people from all over the world will try to answer that question with their own video of their life on that day. Produced by Ridley Scott and directed by Kevin Macdonald, this ambitious social experiment is a documentary of millions of people's lives condensed into a watchable format. The film will premiere at the Sundance Film Festival in January 2011.

It is a brilliant idea, but July 24 is a Saturday. It is a sad truth that most of us spend 5 days of our 7-day week working, so if they want to capture someone's life in a day, then they should do it on a weekday. It is interesting to see how each of us live our life on a weekday, who among us have that "weird" job, and who works during the night instead of the day.

YouTube to gather videos for 'Life in a Day' movie
Ridley Scott and YouTube prep for "Life in a Day"
Life in a Day YouTube Channel

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